
Safety while moving: directional wristbands for athletes, feel safe at every step you take!


SeeMe wristbands offer a safe and intuitive guide while you are cycling. Worn on both wrists, these luminous accessories will help you to communicate clearly your intentions to change direction to the others, without having to take your hands off the handlebar, increasing your visibility and lowering the risk of incidents.


Kick scooter

Kick scooter riders experience an exciting and liberating experience with speed, however, it is important to be aware of the associated risks. SeeMe wristbands offer an innovative solution to communicate your intentions while moving, ensuring a smooth and safe ride to both the rider and the other road users.


For runners, especially when running at night, safety is a priority. SeeMe directional wristbands offer an innovative way to increase your visibility and to communicate your intentions while training. When worn on both wrists, these devices have the ability to guarantee a safer and more conscious run, lowering the chance of incidents even in low-light conditions


Skateboarding is so much fun and SeeMe wristbands can represent a safety and communication element during the activity. These devices allow you to to communicate your next moves in a clear and simple way, helping you to avoid incidents and ensuring a better understanding of your intentions by other road or track users.


If you are a keen rollerblader SeeMe directional wristbands are a solution  to improve your safety during skate sessions. These luminous devices allow skaters to communicate their turning intentions clearly and immediately, making the activity safer and more fun, both during the day and at night.

“Towards your destination safely”

Braccialetti direzionali SeeMe